MX Merchant Ideas

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View pricing for each product on the product page

When looking at my products on the product page within MX Merchant on the website I would really like it if I could see the prices on the table view as well as the other items that you already show.

  • Guest
  • Oct 12 2016
  • Shipped
  • Apr 7, 2017

    Admin response

    We understand a true snapshot of your products should include the price as well and makes for easier management. So now when you log into MX Merchant and go to the product list page (if you have the MX Retail app activated in the apps, if you don't, what are you waiting for?) you'll now see the price column has been added between the quantity on hand and the last ordered date. It will also show when you choose to export this page. 

    If the product is a multi-variant or options you will see a range in this column which shows the cheapest variant and the highest variant. So you may still need to click into those to see the prices for each variant which we couldn't list on this page. 

    Check out the screenshot attached if you can't hold your excitement to login and check for yourself :)

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