MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Option to choose if MX should track inventory amounts or not

Add a yes no toggle to the product settings where the merchant can choose whether or not they would like for MX Merchant to track their inventory (if a product is sold deduct from total on hand if returned add back to on hand count)

The default for all users should be "Yes"

If the toggle is switched to "No" we will not track inventory count when products are sold.

Other Scenarios:

  • User turned off this setting prior to using products then turns it back on.
  • The user had the setting on then turns it off, when they enable it again pick up from previous inventory counts.
  • Allie Klarman
  • Dec 15 2016
  • Shipped
  • Jun 23, 2017

    Admin response

    If you don't really use the inventory management portion of the MX Retail app and are tired of seeing those negative numbers for on hand counts on your products, you can now turn those off under retail settings. Go to Settings on the left-hand navigation, then click on the Retail tile, and the first setting you will see the Track Inventory option and a Yes/No toggle that you can flip. If you change it don't forget to click the save button at the bottom of the screen to lock in your change. 

    Check out the screenshot below if you're curious or having trouble finding where it's located. 

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    18 Jul, 2022 08:55am

    Cookie Clicker gives the impression of not requiring much in the way of strategy at first glance, but closer inspection reveals otherwise. When I first started playing, I had the impression that all I had to do was click and then wait for the cookies to finish cooking. However, there is far more to it than just that.

    If you are familiar with the worth of your buildings, the function of the upgrades, and the means by which you can boost your overall production, you will be able to bake cookies more quickly than ever before. You'll eventually be able to level up structures, gain access to hidden minigames, and buy units that at first appeared to be unattainable.