MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Pass Customer Information on the MXMerchant notification (text or email)

If a merchant subscribes for text or email notifications, when a transaction is performed by a customer in MXMerchant it would be great to have the customer name in the notification alert on text and / or email.

  • Scott DerryberryQ
  • Jan 11 2017
  • Shipped
  • Aug 9, 2017

    Admin response

    Great news! We've updated the notifications to include the customer and source information. If a customer was associated with the transaction and a notification was triggered it will look very similar to the one attached to this comment. Customer information is available for the following notifications: payment, refund, decline, and expired card. We don't currently have the ability to provide this information on the chargeback notification but this is something we are looking into. 

    Also, (we did this a while ago but in case you haven't seen it yet) when setting up the notification you can choose which source types you'd like to be notified on. It defaults to selecting all source types but you are able to narrow down to just the ones you're interested in. So if you only care about declines on recurring plans you can get that specific! 

    Hope you enjoy! 

  • Attach files
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  • Tony Adam commented
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  • Alan Lee commented
    2 Dec, 2022 02:53pm

    Good post guys!

  • Mary Ann Masucci commented
    6 Jun, 2017 02:24pm

    This would be very helpful with the Decline notifications on our payments that run automatically each month. We see the amount but multiple people have the same amount charged each month so it doesn't tell us who was declined.