MX Merchant Ideas

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Customer Information - Business Name and/or other related names

I have this request often!  Merchants want to be able to show Customer Name and Business Name on invoice.  Additionally, for business, they would like to have associated names such as Office Manager Jane Smith Phone/Email; Sales Rep John Doe Phone/Email - and have the choice to email receipts/invoices to more than one or choose.  For Customer, they need the ability to have Customer John Doe phone/email; Spouse Jane Doe phone/email - some merchants may be ok with separate customer entries for each spouse, but others need them together so option should be available to have related contacts within customer profile.

  • Jennifer Autian
  • Jan 19 2017
  • Won't Do
  • Attach files
  • Wyatt Lindsey commented
    11 Feb, 2023 07:49am

    A business name is an important aspect of a company's brand and identity. A well-chosen web design and development company name can help a business differentiate itself from competitors, build brand recognition, and establish a strong reputation.