MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


Also stay in the loop with what's going on through these awesome links:

Different Color for Navigation Buttons

When on the phone with several merchants as I walked them through operations, I’ll tell them to click on an item in the left menu and they respond with “That’s not an option.  It’s grayed out.”  Options that are “grayed out” have become a convention in computer screens and it seems an unwise choice … or so our merchants tell us.


  • Barty Bryant
  • Oct 27 2016
  • Shipped
  • Apr 7, 2017

    Admin response

    Have you noticed it yet?! The side navigation has been updated, now it won't seem as though they are disabled (which we understand how you could think that) or it just not standing out enough to view the text. We've changed the entire side navigation to white with a green sidebar and icon to indicate which page you're on. 

    Check out these screenshots below to see the difference the white has made! 

  • Attach files
  • Barty Bryant commented
    7 Apr, 2017 07:19pm

    Thanks to IT on this one.  This is MUCH better. 

  • Ronna Papesh commented
    7 Apr, 2017 05:50pm

    Much better!  Thank you for making this change.