MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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More Robust/Detailed Reporting!

It should be a total no-brainer to be able to generate/export a detailed list of the given transactions in a particular settlement, day, device, etc.--and to be able to filter that detailed list by different criteria, such as type of card. (For instance, there is currently no way to export into a spreadsheet a list of each individual "card swipe" that occurred in a given date range, with the card type, date, amount etc...(In report settlements I can only look at/export individual settlements/dates) PLEASE add more robust reporting!

  • Cassie Tharinger
  • Mar 14 2017
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    • Guest commented
      June 01, 2021 21:43

      I would agree with a previous comment that I would be able to define the report by user name and date fields to assist in company reconciliation reports

    • Mary Canode commented
      November 15, 2018 14:29

      Filters - I would like the ability to enter a date range and or a user name and get all the transactions for that period including a merchant number.   I have multiple locations I'm trying to reconcile the payment postings to bank deposits and would like to be able to create  report to assist in this.