MX Merchant Ideas

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Add "Completed" status to recurring contracts

The completed status should be set automatically once the contract has met the payment frequency requirements and there are no other transactions that need to be captured. 

It will be nice to know the difference between recurring plans that we are still charging for and recurring plans that are no longer being billed.

  • Allie Klarman
  • Apr 11 2017
  • Shipped
  • Jun 23, 2017

    Admin response

    Great news! You may see some new icons when you get to the recurring page in MX Merchant. We've added a new status to the recurring contracts page so you can quickly see which recurring plans are still actively running, versus the ones that have been paused, canceled or completed. 

    I've attached a screenshot for you if you want to take a glimpse but log in and check it out for yourself!

  • Attach files
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