MX Merchant Ideas

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Partial Return on Invoiced Sales

Calling a client to get their credit card number when a partial return is required is a pain. Please allow for partial returns on invoiced items. Quickbooks and Paypal both have this feature as a standard feature.

  • Guest
  • Jul 5 2017
  • Already exists
  • Jul 6, 2017

    Admin response

    Great news, MX Merchant has this feature as well! There are two different ways to perform a partial return in MX Merchant without needing to reach back out to the customer for their card number. You can make a return on the original payment or you can return an item which will return the proper amount back to the original payment method. 

    For more information on how to make a partial return on an invoice, I've included screenshots below for both options. The Blue help text shows you for a basic refund, and the orange help text in the screenshot shows you how to do an item return and refund. 

    Hope that helps!