MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


Also stay in the loop with what's going on through these awesome links:

Disable the Link 2 Pay link emailed to customers when the Invoice is Cancelled.

When an invoice is created (and sent) w/ the link 2 pay feature and that invoice is CANCELLED BEFORE the cardholder makes a payment the system should not allow the emailed link to be used to make a payment.  However, currently it does allow payment to made even though the invoice is cancelled.  Example:

Club Z! In Home Tutoring - MID: 421412  created and link 2 pay invoice number 1007  then cancelled the invoice in order to create a new one. . .However, the cardholder clicked the link (AFTER the invoice was cancelled) and was able to process a payment.  
Would be nice if there was at least a "block" of some kind to prevent payments from going through for a cancelled invoice.  
  • Michael Hodges
  • Nov 28 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    20 Feb 01:07am

    Thanks a lot for this info solar panel