MX Merchant Ideas

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change display layout

Not everyone needs to see the same columns and some people need to see more of a column and it gets cut off when the browser is made smaller due to needing to use 2 programs at once for payment. It would be nice if we can choose what columns appear and/or how much of a column we see.

  • Guest
  • Apr 24 2018
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  • Guest commented
    2 Aug, 2019 08:59pm

    Would like to have a column for "customer number" in the batch detail report. We don't use the invoice column, so the option to change this would be a huge time saver for us.

  • Guest commented
    27 Apr, 2018 11:13pm

    In the Payment page, I'd want to customize the columns as well. In particular, I am looking to see the Payment ID. Also I want to customize the columns I'm exporting into the CSV file.