MX Merchant Ideas

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Let users pick their own variant options for products

Right now MX Retail has the following Variant options: Style, Size, Color, Type, Material. That is helpful for clothing companies but there are a lot of other things this product could be used for and allowing merchants to create their own variants would be really helpful and feel very customizable

  • Guest
  • Oct 13 2016
  • Shipped
  • May 8, 2017

    Admin response

    When the MX Retail app first came out we had standard variant options for users to select from (Color, Material, Size, Style, and Weight) but that doesn't work for all of the different use cases and products our merchants sell. So now rather than trying to make those options work for everyone, we have updated the Retail settings within MX Merchant online for you to manage the variant options you want to use. 

    Under the Retail settings, you will see the new section that says Variant Options. Here you can click on one of the existing Variant names and change it to something that fits your business needs or delete it. You can also add your own variant option such as Quantity or Type for example by clicking on the green +Add Variant Option button within settings. Now when you go to add your next multivariant product those options will appear. 

    Check out the screenshots below for a preview.

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