MX Merchant Ideas

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Add the Ability to Personalize Customer Notes

Our company wants to use the Customer Note section to keep a history of the customer with us. It would be helpful to have a category marker to customize the type of note made and upload pictures/images for paperwork inclusion.

  • Guest
  • Aug 23 2018
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Jessica Boynton commented
    26 Oct, 2018 09:04pm

    Thank you for your idea! Can you help me to understand what kind of customization you are looking for? Currently, you can gather and store customer specific information within the customer profile.  When you select edit on the far right side of the screen, a pop up will appear that has a place to add a photo.  If you want to collect even more information you can select the custom fields section at the bottom to access other fields such as their birthday or an anniversary.  

    Look forward to hearing from you!

    MX Merchant Team