MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Add ability for Text to Pay

This would be helpful especially in the non-profits where they are trying to encourage donations.  The ability to have mxmerchant accept payments from a cell phone - such as text a ten digit number that corresponds with the merchant 5555550551 with an amount in the text field  10 to donate $10.  Vanco has a product offering Give+Text.  First time donors have to enter their card info into a screen similar to MXMerchant Mobile, Once donated, can donate again without entering card info and could make it a recurring charge.

  • Jennifer Autian
  • Feb 4 2019
  • Won't Do
  • Attach files
  • Justin Blair commented
    1 Sep, 2022 09:34am

    It whould be nice if user able to add some custom text (ie: legal text) above the pay button in the drop in component. A solution could be to add an optional prop to the drop in configuration that would accept text or a node.