MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Make password so Merchant can see what he/she is typing. Developer was nuts to hide ths pass word from Merchanct so he will know what he is typing

  • Guest
  • Feb 7 2019
  • Won't Do
  • Attach files
  • Fritz Kuhn commented
    26 Oct, 2021 04:09am

    Thank you for posting that it could be just the thing to give inspiration to someone who needs it! Keep up the great work!


  • Guest commented
    28 Sep, 2021 06:11am

    Don't set the default edit text property as password. Instead, you can use addTextChangedListener() which will get called as soon as the user enters a character. Maintain an activity level string say "mPass". In the TextWatcher(), onTextChanged method, append character to your mPass and replace the input character by *.

    But you will have to be careful regarding this coz application will pass control to the TextWatcher() even after you have replaced the character by *. If not handled properly it will get called recursively causing the application to crash.

    Lite Blue