MX Merchant Ideas

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Custom Required Fields for Link2Pay in MX6

Currently one of the things limiting Link2Pay from its full potential is that we have no way of adding any custom fields - other than a memo field which is vague - and cannot be set as a required field.

merchants often require certain info to be transmitted as part of a Link2Pay transaction so that they can reconcile things on their end - example - account number.

currently merchants are using the memo field that can be added to a link2pay page as a space to enter this kind of information - however the fact that the header for this box only says "Memo" it is not always apparent to customers what information belongs in that field, and also the fact that we have no way of making it a required field leaves the customer the option to not put anything in and therefore making it difficult for the merchant to decipher which account to apply the payment to.

Requesting Custom fields (with custom header names) and the ability for the merchant to choose which fields are required as part of the link2pay setup process when it gets released on MX6.

  • Allie Klarman
  • Dec 15 2016
  • Shipped
  • Apr 10, 2017

    Admin response

    This one was a doozy for us but, we are SUPER excited to announce.... We now have custom fields that can be added to your payment links (link2pay) pages! 

    To find this new feature in MX Merchant simply go to Settings then click on the Payment Link tile down toward the bottom of the page. Here you will see the first section (new) allows you to define the custom fields you would like to capture or show on your payment link(s), and you can even determine how the customer can answer these responses as well as if it is a required field or optional. 

    Once you've defined your custom fields you can move down to the Payment link section where you can add a new link or edit an existing link. When adding or editing the link you will see a new section called additional fields where you can select the ones you would like to show on this link.  

    Click the save button then copy your link and paste it in a browser to take a look!

    Please note, if you decide to add more custom fields later on you can add them in settings, edit the link settings and save and the same URL will still work so you don't have to worry about updating your website each time you make a change! 

    When a customer pays using your new payment link page and answers your custom fields you can reference them at any time under the advanced section of the payment detail page. Also, when you export the payments page the custom fields that were requested in your links will appear here as well. 

    SPOILER ALERT! I've attached some helpful screenshots below to help you navigate this new feature but they are going to take all the fun out of experiencing it so log into MX Merchant and see for yourself. We hope you are just as excited about this one as we are! 

  • Attach files
  • Carl Keith commented
    6 Feb, 2023 04:55pm

    This is a huge step forward, but it would be much better if the coreball custom fields also showed up in the email alert.

  • Justin Blair commented
    27 Aug, 2022 11:12am

    Thanks for sharing..

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  • Simarjit singh commented
    5 Jan, 2018 01:19am

    This is a great improvement but can we have make the custom fields appear on the email notification.

  • Crystal Stovall commented
    5 Apr, 2017 08:24pm

    When will this be an option? We cannot offer the online payment option until this is implemented and made a required field, so any updates would be appreciated.

  • Tyler Young commented
    21 Mar, 2017 04:29am

    Glad this is going to be completed soon!