MX Merchant Ideas

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If an invoice/order number is entered on the advanced data in QP/Express and matches an open invoice apply payment

Right now the invoice number is just a text field however, a lot of merchants like the idea of using the express app but think that this functionality could really help tie everything together.


  • Merchant creates an order/invoice on MXM and it is in an active status and not fully paid
  • Merchant opens up the express app (maybe they leave to go meet a client)
  • They enter in a dollar amount, scroll down and enter in the invoice/order number that was created on MXM and is still sitting in the active and not fully paid status. By doing so the payment that was just made will be associated with that invoice/order so when they go back to MXM they see the invoice has that payment on it.

If an invoice/order number is entered that does not match then it will work just as it does today where it is just a record for the merchant to refer back to and will show on the payment grid.
If an invoice/order number is entered that does match, the payment will be associated with that invoice/order.
If the merchant overcharges on the QP or Express app when doing so it is okay, we do not restrict this on the web either, we will leave it up to the merchant to accept the responsibility that if it was a mistake that they issue a refund for the proper amount now that we allow a merchant to do partial returns via Express and Payment Detail.

  • Allie Klarman
  • Jan 3 2017
  • Attach files
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