MX Merchant Ideas

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Decline notification on recurring billing only

For merchants who run a mix of ARB and "regular" retail sales, its important that the merchant receives notifications on declines of those recurring payments, but they may not care to see EVERY decline that comes through. If they activated the decline notice specifically so they know when an ARB declines, it becomes confusing when they also get notice of every "retail" sale decline.  Therefore, it would be great if we can set notice on ARB declines separately from all declines.  OR, perhaps state in the subject line of the email if its a retail or ARB decline?

  • Guest
  • Jan 8 2017
  • Shipped
  • May 8, 2017

    Admin response

    For payment notifications, you now have the option to choose which source you would like to be notified about. So if you only want to receive decline notifications for recurring plans just set up a decline notification and on the source, option check the recurring option, then enter your phone or email.

    There is a ton of flexibility with these notifications, so if you want to set up a couple different notifications for the same event with different amounts based on the sources you can certainly do that as well. 

    Check out the screenshot attached for a preview of this feature.

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