MX Merchant Ideas

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Ability to add custom fields to Invoices

The specific reason:  merchants want to add tracking numbers and not place them in the memo field.  Thanks

  • Guest
  • Oct 19 2016
  • Planned
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  • Guest commented
    14 Dec, 2022 11:12am

    Many businesses find that they need to add custom fields to their invoices. There are a few ways to add custom fields to an invoice.

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  • Marry Janes commented
    22 Jul, 2022 08:40am

    Thank you very much since a lot of valuable information you provide. I really appreciate that. Please keep posting.


  • Guest commented
    23 Mar, 2021 09:19am

    While the merchant has the option CVV off completely to run the transaction, disabling it in the settings, running the transaction, and then re-enabling CVV each time is not practical.

  • Sherry Holub commented
    18 Jul, 2017 12:25am

    This would be helpful. We also have clients that request specific info be added to their invoice. The invoice right now is very, very basic with only minimal options. 

  • Jennifer Autian commented
    19 Jan, 2017 03:41pm

    I second the option of adding custom fields to Invoice.  I have a merchant requesting to add their Tax ID to the invoice so the customer has that information.  While they have the memo field, they are currently using the memo field for footer type language (new idea submitted separately).  So, agree that Settings-Invoices should have a few custom fields that can be turned on by merchant and show on all invoices.  A few custom fields could be shorter and then a on/off for additional footer with longer text for all invoices.

  • Allie Klarman commented
    20 Oct, 2016 06:36pm


    Thank you so much for your idea! Until we can implement your idea I wanted to make sure you were aware of a similar functionality that is available through orders on the MX Retail app.

    First you will need to install the MX Retail app from the apps page within MX Merchant. Once the app is installed you will now see 2 new items on the left navigation which are Products and Orders. If you click on orders this will show you a list of all previous orders (this may be blank if it is your first time using this feature). Click the +Add Order in the upper right and you will notice it looks a lot like invoices. Once you enter in the customer name click on the more button to set the Source. This feature however allows you to select how the order was placed (web, telephone, POS). Web and telephone allow you to add tracking details after the order has been placed whereas POS assumes that the customer paid and the goods/services were taken at the time of payment. The line items include a special place where the merchant can specify any shipping/handling costs that might be included in the total cost of the order. 

    Once you click the green "Place Order" button you will be able to add payment and/or enter shipping information found under the More button at the top. Now you can pick what items are being shipped, the date it was packed, delivery method, the tracking number, and tracking URL.

    I know this is a lot of information so I have added images below to also help walk you through once the MX Retail app is installed. Please see below: