MX Merchant Ideas

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Add an attachment to MXInvoice

We should be able to add an attachment to MXInvoice. That way if they already have an invoicing system all they need to do is attach it. It removes the need for them to duplicate their systems. They can also attach notes or photos of work even if they aren't attaching other invoices.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 Jun, 2023 06:46pm

    I can see that we can attach pdfs, but it’s only for merchant reference. I would like the customers to see the attachments when they receive invoices. The purpose of this is to simplify invoicing. Merchant with their own accounting software will need to itemize their invoices within their system, and if they want to utilize MXM invoicing, they will have to do the same thing and that is very cumbersome… unless you have another solution/way to simplify it for them.

  • Anna Lynn commented
    2 Dec, 2022 06:51am

    Thank you very much. Your post presented me with a wealth of information, allowing me to broaden my horizons. Keep posting in the future please

    Godskin Noble

  • Guest commented
    19 Feb, 2022 09:17am

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