MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Allow Digital Signatures captured on MX Express/MX Retail Transactions to copy over to receipts pulled from

Digital Signatures that are captured on MX Express / MX Retail transactions should copy over to the receipts that are emailed and/or pulled from

Please allow this feature as this is important to assist with Chargeback disputes and records as well.  

  • Michael Hodges
  • Jan 25 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Josh Piercey commented
    10 Sep, 2020 05:01pm

    Need to revisit this idea as it currently does not exist in our MX Product line.

    The need is for e-signature for any swiped or keyed transaction through MX Product (Express, Retail, Cumulus, Quickpay, Nomad or etc. ) capture in MXM reporting.

    If the transaction is ran as a chip/EMV then it not prompt for signature as it is not a requirement for EMV.

  • Michael Hodges commented
    2 Sep, 2020 04:03pm

    Also, would like to see this functionality on for the Nomad device MX transactions as well.

  • Michael Hodges commented
    2 Sep, 2020 04:02pm

    This does not exist. Currently unable to see/pull digital signatures.