MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Itemized Payment Receipts

I really liked the MX Merchant 4 version of the printed confirmation receipts after a payment is made.  It was itemized, detailed and had the customer's name on it.  In my opinion, this new version is way too brief and concise.

  • Guest
  • Jan 24 2017
  • Won't Do
  • Attach files
  • Ariel Douglas Douglas commented
    15 Nov, 2022 01:15pm

    When you receive an invoice, the invoice will have one or more payment receipts attached.

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  • Laura Pressley commented
    6 Sep, 2022 04:50am

    This works really well for us, thank you! GoMedicare Cost

  • Laura Pressley commented
    5 Sep, 2022 10:11am

    This works really well for us, thank you! Facing same issue here. Help is appreciated.

  • Guest commented
    22 Aug, 2017 01:33pm


  • Guest commented
    4 Mar, 2017 01:47pm

    Completely agree...  You guys have multiple posts on receipt issues here so I'm not going to take any more time responding and voting for each.  Please bring back the receipt format of MX4 or something close to that or we will need to move to a different merchant provider very soon.