MX Merchant Ideas

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Quick Pay Receipt Detail

All the fields under Quick Pay advanced link should printout on the receipt. This makes identifying the transaction very easy. Right now only the Memo/Note field prints out.


Memo / Note (limited to 100 characters)
Customer Name
Customer Number
Tax Exempt
Tax Amount
  • Guest
  • Dec 19 2018
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  • Albert Marsh commented
    18 Jul, 2022 02:13pm
    I want to share with you one of my favorite websites. Cheap-Paper is a wonderful resource for students, who need to save their time and get A+ for homework. Try it 
  • Charles Walker commented
    13 Jul, 2022 07:07am

    Topics can be narrow and broad, it depends on the volume of the statement. The key to successful essays is a clear, narrow, specific topic. It is much more difficult to write on broad topics, such as "Summer" or "Spring," it is quite difficult to reveal them with sufficient completeness.

  • Guest commented
    8 Jun, 2022 09:33am

    Use personal contact in the text, "you/you" depending on the situation. Write in the first person. Build a dialogue with the reader, periodically asking a question in the text: "Do you think?," "Agree with such a statement?," "Isn't it?." Use italics and bold, emoticons to highlight important points in the text. Only without fanaticism! Be honest with the reader. Give figures or facts? Verify that they are authentic.

  • Betty Jeff commented
    27 Apr, 2022 10:04am


  • Alan Lee commented
    23 Mar, 2022 11:45am
  • Alan Lee commented
    20 Feb, 2022 02:13pm
  • Milly Williams commented
    13 Dec, 2021 06:46pm

    Our writers always proofread and edit the first draft, so you don’t have to do it yourself. The final draft will be written, edited, and proofread professionally.

  • Guest commented
    20 Sep, 2021 12:41am

    Oh, come on! I really know that it is hard to be a professional writer! But for now we don't really need that! You can just write in google paper writer and be happy! This service is the best! Enjoy!

  • haven david commented
    19 Aug, 2021 09:40am

    What plans do you have for this summer? super smash flash 2 is probably one of the hot games for a long time. There is a new version released

  • Guest commented
    13 Jul, 2021 04:36pm

    Thanks to the author for writing the post, it was quite necessary for me and liked it. I wrote a note on the brill assignment about this. I will be happy if you read it and accept it. Thank you for your concern.

  • Sherry Holub commented
    5 Dec, 2019 11:38pm

    It might help if the memo was limited to 200 characters. That might be easier to implement and at least some additional info could be added there if there's no chance of getting all the other fields on there any time soon.