MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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chargebacks should be attached in MXM so that we can pull ourselves

  • Guest
  • Jun 5 2018
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Ariel Douglas Douglas commented
    November 15, 2022 08:36

    When a customer disputes a charge on their credit card, it can be a big headache for the businesses involved.

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  • Guest commented
    July 13, 2022 19:53

    Agree! Furthermore, responding to retrievals and chargebacks from within MX would be an amazing feature.

  • Guest commented
    March 05, 2021 07:42
  • Guest commented
    May 17, 2019 15:34

    This does not already exist.  I'd like to request this idea be reinstated. 

    You can receive chargeback notifications in MX.  You can also view a report to see chargebacks.  But the chargeback advice letter, bank output package or even the case number cannot be viewed in MX.  

    I call at least daily to the FD chargeback number just to request chargeback docs for my clients.  It would be ideal if they could be made available online and MX would be the logical place for them.

    Perhaps theres a way to get this data into MX from  

  • Guest commented
    May 16, 2019 17:19
