MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Export to Excel with Name/Address/Email/Product/Amount/Date

As we have to enter all donors/customers into another database for non-profit tracking, it would be more efficient and waste less paper if we could export a batch with the donor/customer name, address, email, product, amount and date. It would also be great to have a "print all" feature where you can select multiple transactions to print at one.

  • Guest
  • Mar 8 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • anna stark commented
    28 Dec, 2022 03:04am

    A great way to experience nostalgia for old school sports is through the Retro Bowl.

  • Guest commented
    16 May, 2018 07:21pm

    Agreed. I have a client dealing with the same thing right now.  they have hundreds of reservations for an event taken through a Link2Pay.  The Payments report shows customer name and transaction details, but not their address.  The addresses are in the system, as you can go to Customer view to find them.  However, doing this several hundred times is a pain.

    Ideally if the address info is in the system, it should be exportable from the Payments screen along with any other info that was captured. No need to let that info "go to waste" only to have to be pieced together manually thereafter.