MX Merchant Ideas

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Fixing the EXTREAMELY Limited Reporting

This is a Merchant Services Credit Card Transaction company right?  In the new Portal a merchant (me) can't view any historical transaction data broken down by card type summaries or totals for Month to date information.  There are ZERO card type summary reports that give me a breakdown of Visa and Mastercard transactions   in both count and dollar amount NOR are there Chargeback totals by month to date summaries in either total count, card type count, or dollar amount totals..   

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  • Aug 7 2017
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  • Guest commented
    7 Mar, 2018 06:28pm

    Also, I cannot export the settlement data into a spreadsheet for a single month. I have to click and click and click to get the info. I'm finding the reporting capabilities also limited that it's painful to do reconciliations.

  • Guest commented
    29 Dec, 2017 05:00pm

    PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP! We have a merchant that is going to switch back to square because of the reporting. this is a basic need of ALL POS systems. Please advise

  • Oscar Campos commented
    26 Oct, 2017 09:00pm

    Need the ability to see a report that displays taxes, discounts given to customer on transactions. Currently the only way to see taxes and discounts is by going into each individual transaction. 

  • Maxwell Stevens commented
    26 Oct, 2017 08:56pm

    This is from a merchant


    Here's the problem it doesn't allow me to get a report for the monthly sales that includes discounts,  that we've given, cash sales and it doesn't have a report that breaks out all my sales tax by county, city and state. And it doesn't show our monthly report. I can't put in a from Sept 1st to Sept 30. It just shows us a month at a time, I can't even choose a privious month. 

    Any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated. As I'm trying to pay my sales tax for September and cannot get any of the totals I need. Square always had a simple little thing I could print out at the end of every month that gave me all the tax information I required in order to pay my sales tax every month and I could do it in the middle of the next month it was just whenever I needed it.
  • Katy Martinez commented
    18 Oct, 2017 06:07pm

    To add my comments - there's a Sales Tax report that can be run from the system but it's very inaccurate when I go through my individual invoices and calculate the tax for the period selected it DOES NOT match the MxMerchant report - so why have it then?

  • Guest commented
    18 Oct, 2017 04:50pm

    To add my two cents. I use the daily discount program and when attempting to reconcile I only find batches that include the daily fee. It would be great if an extra column could be added to show the processing fee and the amount of the transaction separately. As is I am having to reverse each transaction to confirm each transaction.

  • Guest commented
    15 Aug, 2017 05:27pm

    I logged in to add a similar note.  Specifically merchants processing through terminals.  I have a client who reached out today wanting to know how to figure out the total billed to a given card in the last couple months.  The only way to do so would be the date range, open date, then drill down to the batch, then search, and repeat about 60 times to  find the two month total.  There should simply be a search by function and filters.