MX Merchant Ideas

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Ability to search transactions via card # and/or amount on reports

used to be able to do card searches and search for transactions by amount in MX 4....merchants need to be able to do these searches via MX6.

  • Guest
  • Oct 26 2016
  • Shipped
  • Feb 27, 2017

    Admin response

    The settlement page has 3 different views available as you continue to click through. They are the: Settlement Overview, Batch Detail, and Transaction Detail. With that being said there have been a couple additions to these pages based on your requests. 

    Batch Detail (this is the page you come to when you click on the date within the settlement report)

    • We have added an export so you can now export this entire view


    Transaction Detail (this is the page you come to when you click on the clearing reference number within the batch detail page of the settlement report)

    The following columns have been added to the transaction detail view: 

    • Transaction date
    • Customer number (only available for FD merchants)
    • Invoice and/or PO# (only available for TSYS merchants) 

    A search bar has been added! You can search by the customer name or the card last 4. We also have added a filter so you can narrow down the payments within the list by transaction date, as well as the amount of the transaction. And last but not least you can also export from here as well! The export buttons can be found in the upper right (dark gray header) of the screen. We have a few more changes we are looking to make to this report to make it even better so stay tuned! 


  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    16 Dec, 2016 07:19pm

    card searches as well in MX6

  • Brandon Kucia commented
    26 Oct, 2016 01:02pm

    the ability to search the "reports" section is whats most important. it works for the payments section

  • Guest commented
    26 Oct, 2016 01:00pm

    even if they are not using MX6 to process the sale, they need to be able to search.