MX Merchant Ideas

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Ability to enter our own Invoice numbers within the Invoice app

Would like to customize/choose our own invoice number when creating one in MXM. Would also like to Customize Invoice Number if need be after invoice is created.

Right now they are system generated but we can only change the invoice numbers on QuickPay transactions, it would be nice to update to our own numbers on the actual invoices.

  • Allie Klarman
  • Nov 28 2016
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 Jun, 2023 06:45pm

    I think it’s good if the merchant can assign the invoice numbers so they can match it with their Accounting Software like Quickbooks… given that quickbooks doesn’t really allow 3rd party payment providers to accept payments for them.

  • Guest commented
    18 Aug, 2022 06:57am

    All things considered splendid diagram. I absolutely love this site. Much appreciated! entertainment news

  • Guest commented
    29 Apr, 2022 08:41am

    Nice Information thanks for sharing. May you bring this more in future. temple run

  • Michael Hodges commented
    15 Aug, 2019 04:05pm

    This idea is marked as "Shipped" however, it's not actually an option in MXM. . .Any idea on when this will be ready? 

  • Nick Bencivenga commented
    16 May, 2019 05:46pm

    You guys are on a tear today! Out of curiosity, will you start reusing the
    “roadmap” that we used to have access to?

  • Nick Bencivenga commented
    24 Oct, 2018 05:16pm

    Commenting to bring this active again - this is REALLY necessary. Many merchants are coming from external/third-party systems that already generate invoice numbers. Having this "secondary" invoice number can be VERY confusing, and is a big turn-off for merchants who already have existing systems. If we could edit this to "reference number" OR ideally, allow merchants to customize the specific invoice number, that'd be great.

  • Jennifer Autian commented
    7 Sep, 2018 10:02pm

    Or - maybe a simple solution would be to have in Settings-Invoice a field to say what invoice number to start with so that you could 'somewhat' customize it to start with an invoice number of your choice and count up from there.  ie instead of starting with 1001 as all merchants do, have the ability to create your own starting invoice number of 9001  or 10501.

  • Guest commented
    22 Jun, 2018 07:21pm

    Or change Invoice# to "Reference#"