MX Merchant Ideas

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Digital Link To Invoice

It would be very helpful to either have an ability to attach a cover sheet to an invoice that is created on your system to be emailed or to be able to create a digital link to that invoice which can then be inserted in my own cover sheet being emailed to a customer.  Right now all I can do is send an invoice via email with no explanation or greeting.  Its a bit raw to send an invoice without an explanation or greeting -- particularly for a 501c3 organization that is building relationships with donors.

  • Renee Nachbar
  • Sep 26 2017
  • Attach files
  • deev shah commented
    February 16, 2023 08:25

    very innovative idea i like it

  • deev shah commented
    February 16, 2023 08:25


    A digital link to an invoice can be very useful in many situations, such as when you need to quickly send an invoice to a client or customer, or when you want to keep track of all your invoices in one place. Here are the steps to create a digital link to an invoice:

    Create your invoice using your preferred invoicing software or tool.

    Save the invoice in a digital format, such as PDF or HTML.

    Upload the invoice to a file hosting service or cloud storage platform, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. ConnectEBT ga

    Once you've uploaded the invoice, right-click on the file and select "Copy link" or "Get link."

    Paste the link into an email or message to the recipient.

    Alternatively, you can also include the link on your website or social media channels to make it easy for clients to access their invoices.

    By providing a digital link to your invoices, you can streamline your invoicing process and ensure that your clients have easy access to their invoices whenever they need them.

  • Amelie Baker commented
    January 27, 2023 06:02

    A digital link to an invoice is a URL or web address that allows access to a digital version of the invoice. It can be sent via email or message and can be used to view, download, or pay the invoice online. This allows for faster and more convenient transaction processing, reducing the need for paper invoices.

    My Estub Login

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2023 09:40

    What a lovely suggestion. I'm not sure if our web dev already tried this but I guess it's worth the share Drive Mad

  • Guest commented
    December 02, 2022 00:12

    Very interesting idea. Check this article here, very useful as well.

  • Jone Martin commented
    September 30, 2021 15:10

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