MX Merchant Ideas

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add a filter to status of payment

if u can add a filter that shows all past due unpaid amounts this way it's easier to see who needs a physical late payment invoice mailed to them. there are so many customers at times that have no paid and scrolling each page can be time consuming. 

  • Guest
  • Nov 29 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 Nov, 2017 06:09pm

    Thank you

  • Allie Klarman commented
    29 Nov, 2017 06:04pm

    Great news, this feature already exists in MX Merchant! We understand that the filters are a bit hidden and we do have a ticket to resolve that, however, currently, the filters can be found by clicking the down arrow to the right of the search bar. Clicking the down arrow will bring up all of the filter options available for that page. Each page has filters specific to its' content. I've attached a screenshot of the filter that can be found on the Invoice page. On this screenshot, you'll notice the first option is for Status where you can select as many combinations as you'd like. Hope this helps!