MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Add CC and BCC to Email notifications on a per client basis

On a per client basis, we should be able to add additional emails to recieve email notifications on each payment and invoice.

  • Guest
  • Mar 22 2018
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  • Guest commented
    4 Oct, 2022 09:15am

    It's very interesting tunnel rush. I also want to try playing io games.

  • Guest commented
    26 Oct, 2021 08:07am

    Ahh that is great thank you ! Good for special needs too drift hunters

  • Phedra jones commented
    14 Oct, 2021 03:02am

    feel regret I did not know this before I read your article subway surfers

  • Sophear Uoy commented
    14 Sep, 2020 03:17pm

    Agreed why are these common sense features not available? If you are going to want to attract and retain customers these small but important features are imperative if any company is going to be using this as an AR system over Quick-books.