MX Merchant Ideas

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Add functionality for Auth Only (Ticket Only) on MXMerchant Virtual Terminal

Please add the ability to do Auth Only and then later Capture the Auth Only through Ticket Only/Capture functionality - or be able to click on the Auth Only previously authorized transaction to now capture the funds.  I seem to remember this being available in MX4, but maybe not. has this feature, but it would be best to stay with PPS MXMerchant.

  • Jennifer Autian
  • May 14 2018
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Jennifer Autian commented
    May 14, 2018 19:20

    Thanks Allie. I called and spoke to 2 different support reps, and they did not know this functionality existed in MXMerchant. Hence, the request. Glad to know the functionality exists and how to do it.

    I appreciate the response and full details on how to process the Auth Only (Settle to NO) and then how to finalize by Settle Funds Now.

    Best regards,

    Jennifer Autian

    TCA Business Solutions, LLC

    Merchant Services and Office Automation

    p) 678-523-8760

    f) 678-349-0705

    Call and receive a comparative rate analysis today!


  • Allie Klarman commented
    May 14, 2018 19:02

    Thank you for your feedback! Great news, this functionality already exists within MX Merchant. When you are making a payment simply click on the "advanced" link in the bottom left corner and use the toggles at the bottom to say if you are looking to complete an authorization only (then toggle the Settle Funds to No) once the authorization is captured, the payment will be available on the payments page. Click on the reference number and in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop up you will see the option to settle the funds and enter the dollar amount you'd like to settle the transaction for.