MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Statements in PDF

Statements in pdf format would be nice.

  • Guest
  • Aug 10 2018
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Prohaska Brandt commented
    23 Oct, 2021 09:39am

    A very awesome blog post. We are really grateful for your blog post. You will find a lot of approaches after visiting your post. I was exactly searching for.Thanks for such post and please keep it up. IndigoCard

  • Deb Lawrenz commented
    21 Sep, 2021 03:41pm

    This was planned in 2018 and hasn't happened yet. What's up?

  • Amelia Eisenlohr commented
    16 May, 2019 02:56pm

    When you click the Printer/Print Button, there should be a dropdown of printer options to select which printer, as well as an option for "Print to PDF" (or something along those lines.. not sure of the exact verbiage). It will create a PDF File which you can then either save or print. Hope this helps!