MX Merchant Ideas

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Download and Save Monthly Statements

There should be a simple way to download and save monthly statements so that the only option isnt to print 

  • Guest
  • Jan 17 2018
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    23 Jul 06:12pm

    Would love to be able to download the monthly stmt into excel.

  • Elizabeth Harris commented
    11 Dec, 2023 03:36pm

    I'm unable to find where to find the monthly statements. when I click report (to get a breakdown from all POS locations. Not only just the one I'm logged into it only shows 2 years and cant be adjusted to other lengths of time, and I'm and admin to the logged in as an admin)

  • Amelia Eisenlohr commented
    16 May, 2019 02:58pm

    When you click the Printer/Print Button, there should be a dropdown of printer options to select which printer, as well as an option for "Print to PDF" (or something along those lines.. not sure of the exact verbiage). It will create a PDF File which you can then either save or print. Hope this helps!