MX Merchant Ideas

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Give me ability to remove (delete) old clients not used anymore

When I open my client list I have to scroll through all clients...even ones inactive. I don't want to see they as they are not needed anyomre 

  • Guest
  • Dec 3 2018
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 05, 2018 16:47

    That worked!! Thank you!!!

  • Jessica Boynton commented
    December 05, 2018 16:16

    Good Morning!  If you would like to only see customers that are active you can set your default settings by going to the arrow on the search bar.  Here you can select 'status' settings.  If you select 'active' and then 'save as default' located at the bottom of the pop up, when open the customer page it will show the active customers in your client base. 

    Hopefully this will help.  Please let us know if you have any other questions. 

    Thank you! 

    MX Merchant Team! 

  • Guest commented
    December 03, 2018 17:37

    Correct, you can delete them, but they still show up every time I view my client base. I don’t want to see them.

  • Jessica Boynton commented
    December 03, 2018 16:10

    Good Morning!  Thank you so much for submitting your idea. 

    Regarding your ask, the ability to remove a customer currently exists. When you click into the customer on the top right you can click 'edit'.  A pop up will appear on your screen where you can customize your customer profile even further or in your case, delete that customer. You will see the delete button on the bottom right. 

    I've attached a couple screen shots to help you navigate, but please feel free to reach out again if you need!

    Thank you! 

    MX Merchant Team!