MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Session should "time out" after 10 min of idle/non-use

This way if someone forgets to log out or leaves their station nobody else can gain access.

  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 25, 2022 06:25

    I agree with most of your points, but a few need to be discussed further, I will hold a small talk with my partners and maybe I will look for you some suggestion soon.Sneaker

  • Guest commented
    February 11, 2019 21:31

    I think 10 minutes would be fine.

    All Island Equipment Corp
    Tel: 631-643-2605
    Fax: 631-643-4060

  • Jessica Boynton commented
    February 11, 2019 20:58

    If there was a setting that could be turned on and off to set this would 10 minutes the standard? Or would you want to be able to set a time? 


  • Guest commented
    February 11, 2019 20:51


    Yes, if there is no activity in MX Merchant. No typing or any input (report request, transactions etc)

    All Island Equipment Corp
    Tel: 631-643-2605
    Fax: 631-643-4060

  • Jessica Boynton commented
    February 11, 2019 20:38

    Thank you for your idea!

    Could you define what 'no activity' means? We want to make sure that we are fully understanding what would be defined as activity.  Are you saying that if no movement or typing has occurred after 10 minutes?  

    MX Merchant Team