MX Merchant Ideas

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Have the ability to see credit card totals for months in the previous year.

I would like to be able to see how much I ran credit cards on a monthly basis for the previous year, not just the current year

  • Guest
  • Feb 4 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    11 Feb, 2019 09:44pm

    On the dashboard it says settled payments.  It does not give you the ability to select custom.  I would like to quickly see what I processed last year in Jan to compare to this year.

  • Jessica Boynton commented
    11 Feb, 2019 08:14pm

    Thank you for submitting your idea!

    If you are wanting to see exactly how many card transactions have been processed during a particular month you can.  Simply go to 'Payments' and select the tender type as well as the time period.  If you select custom you can select a date range that will show you the total number.   

    Are you wanting to have something on the dashboard that would allow you to do a quick year over year comparison?  

    - MX Merchant Team