MX Merchant Ideas

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ADD EMV option for Retail

There should be a bluetooth device and/or unit that connects to the MX Retail app to accept EMV cards in and around a brick and mortar location.  

  • Guest
  • Feb 3 2017
  • Already exists
  • Feb 9, 2017

    Admin response

    Great News! This already exists. We currently have the Walker C2X available that connects via headphone jack to your device. This device works with both MX Retail and MX Express app. With this device, you can take EMV, NFC, and swipe transactions. Please contact customer support at 800-935-5961 or your Agent to get your EMV reader today.  and in the process of implementing a Walker Bluetooth reader as well for those that have the new iPhone and 

    You also mentioned a Bluetooth device which we are currently in the process of adding which is called the Walker Bluetooth reader which will be very helpful for the new iPhone which doesn't have a headphone jack or for those who just want to throw the reader in their pocket rather than having it connected to their device.

    I have attached a PDF of the MX Retail currently available which includes a picture of the Walker C2X.

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