MX Merchant Ideas

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Add Invoicing

 You NEED to add Invoicing to your merchant services. We are a tree service and people want invoices. I don't want to buy an app to get the invoices. YOU as a merchant services company should provide invoicing from your charge level. I have to go into Quickbooks and create one to email my customers. Too many steps. This one thing may be the reason I stay with Intuit Merchant services. I am just trying out your services right now, haven't cancelled Intuit yet. 

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  • Nov 5 2017
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  • Smith Jack commented
    9 Nov, 2022 08:04am

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  • Smith Jack commented
    8 Nov, 2022 10:20am

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  • Allie Klarman commented
    6 Nov, 2017 01:54pm

    Great news! MX Merchant was designed with apps so you can install the features that are important to you and your business. To activate the Invoice functionality log into MX Merchant and click on the word "Apps" in the left-hand menu on this app page is where you can install the Invoice app, once installed you will see the invoicing and recurring billing functionality appear on the left-hand menu of your MX Merchant account. Happy invoicing!