MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Add ACH to Link2Pay

ACH payment should be an option on Link2Pay forms.  I did in fact at one point in the past confirm with someone that if ACH is enabled, its also enabled on the Link2Pay.  

This would be a great feature especially for those who use the link2pays to collect invoice payments due to the very low cost of ACH.  

Ideally, this would work like the invoice where you can elect to make a link2pay payable by CC, ACH, or both.

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  • May 4 2018
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  • Ben Rousseau commented
    8 Oct, 2019 04:41pm

    I see that this feature has shipped. Thank you! 


    Will this include the ability to set a limit for CC transactions and allow only the ACH option when the transaction is over that max amount?

  • Ben Rousseau commented
    3 Oct, 2019 12:23am

    This functionality would be very useful to us. Especially if we can define limits within the link or the payment interface. We currently only allow CC payments of up to $10k, everything over this we would like to offer the ACH option only.


    It appears that this improvement has already been planned on  MXM-I-553. Am I correct, or is this a separate issue?