MX Merchant Ideas

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Add Invoice number to batch and transactions report

the invoice# is no longer in the settlement report (which as been replaced via Batch Report). This merchant are using Terminals and once they input the invoice #, it used to appear on the settlement report (batch report) in MXM as well. Since the release they are stating it is no longer available and they need that information included on their report.

  • Michael Hodges
  • Jun 4 2018
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Luke Webster commented
    16 Dec, 2022 01:02pm

    When you create a batch in QuickBooks, you can add an invoice number to the batch. This will help you keep track of your transactions in the batch.

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  • Justin Blair commented
    18 Nov, 2022 03:42am

    You are going to mad but the same things happens with me and a just report them I am still facing that. Rebaid For Sellers