MX Merchant Ideas

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Statements are non-intuitively located in MX Merchant

After searching through almost every item in the left-hand menu, I found where statements are located:  Accounts-->Merchant Services-->Statements tab.  Not a HUGE deal (thanks Donald), but just didn't strike me as the most obvious place to locate them.  Perhaps under Reports, or give them their own direct link?  Statements are one of those things Merchants would likely want to access frequently and easily.  My two cents.  Gracias!

  • Guest
  • Feb 8 2019
  • Planned
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  • Guest commented
    08 Mar 01:41

    It is 5 years later and the only way I found my statement was to locate this thread from 5 years ago. Seems like this would be an easy change.

  • Olivia Dwyer commented
    August 03, 2022 18:09

    Your thoughts on this topic are fantastic. Thanks for sharing this information with us.

  • Guest commented
    April 20, 2022 16:36

    THANK YOU FOR THIS! I was searching for 2 days.

  • Guest commented
    April 04, 2022 11:12

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  • Maria Dwyer commented
    April 02, 2022 20:43

    A great content material as well as great layout.

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  • ava james commented
    March 19, 2022 08:38
  • Guest commented
    January 08, 2022 11:53

    I now have an MMO mouse but before I did, I rebound movement to ESDF instead of WASD. That way you can use Q, W, A, R, T, G and the 1-5 buttons.

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  • Guest commented
    October 26, 2021 08:06

    Thank you for sharing this information, I will contact this phone number shortly! friday night funkin

  • Simone Trantow commented
    September 24, 2021 09:25

    With the upcoming expansion, I'm wondering whether my current setup is good. I've bound every skill from 5 upward to q,e,shift, caps and alt. F is interact, R is special hotkey, G is gonna go to mount and C is for dodging. I'm running out of keybinds and I feel really uncomfortable with my (non-MMO) mouse binds.

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