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Notifying us if the Customer Name already exists

This would avoid adding a Customer twice. If a patient hasn't been in for a while we may not check and then there are two accounts for the same name. It can get confusing when we look at History or which Account to use

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  • Smith Jack commented
    18 Nov, 2022 09:29am

    If we want to pick a customer record that doesn't have history for the name then we can limit to a named group:

    GET /orders/<HAS_AUTH_KEY>/frequencies

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  • Crystal Tromp commented
    1 Nov, 2021 10:31am

    The user already exists under a different company account. They were removed from their license but not from the site. The user exists and they have a similar license assigned. When assigning licenses Connect will only provide a list of users who are eligible for the license and if they already have the same or equivalent license then their name will not show up.

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  • Hardy Brian commented
    4 Oct, 2021 10:29am

    his error message means that there already exists an account registered with this email address.


  • Hardy Brian commented
    1 Oct, 2021 06:59am

    After a merchant submits a response, the merchant bank will ... be asked to provide documentation so they can counterclaim the chargeback.

  • Hardy Brian commented
    1 Oct, 2021 06:56am

    This error message means that there already exists an account registered with this email address.

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  • Roxie Acuff commented
    12 Mar, 2020 10:54pm

    If we could access customers names by first and second letters of name (like recurring setup) we would know if customer already had an account or easily access if we spelled name wrong when searching ,