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Duplicate customer notification

if customer already exists, while attempting to create it again, have a pop up telling that the customer name already exists, to avoid duplicate names. Submitted by TomG on behalf of Client NCCPG

  • Guest
  • Mar 28 2022
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  • Guest commented
    21 Jul, 2023 06:51am

    . Ensure that the site is transparent about its evaluation criteria and potential affiliations with the services it reviews, as some review sites might be biased or incentivized to promote specific companies.

  • Guest commented
    21 Jul, 2023 06:50am


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  • Guest commented
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  • Guest commented
    16 Nov, 2022 11:07am

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  • Clyde Hill commented
    16 Nov, 2022 05:39am

    Customer notifications are important in neare future.

  • Ariel Douglas Douglas commented
    15 Nov, 2022 11:39am

    Duplicate customer notifications are an important part of customer service. They help ensure that customers are notified of any changes to their account, such as changes to their credit score, account status, or account activity.

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  • Ana Moore commented
    15 Nov, 2022 11:21am

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  • Guest commented
    9 Nov, 2022 11:06am

    Duplicate customer notifications occur when a customer’s data is accidentally copied or duplicated. This can cause problems for the customer, as their information may not be accurate or up-to-date.

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  • Guest commented
    2 Nov, 2022 05:46am

    Thank you. Your example didn't work for me but I managed to fix it, which was basically the same thing!


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