MX Merchant Ideas

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Add Customer Name or ID to identify who's ACH transaction bounced back.

Currently under ACH return report you cannot see who's transaction bounced, only general information, like amount which does not help if you have same amounts run on same date. Request to add an identifier so we can locate who's account bounced. 

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  • Jan 20 2017
  • Shipped
  • Jun 23, 2017

    Admin response

    The ACH return report wasn't very helpful since it didn't show the customer's name that was associated with the initial transaction. But to make up for it, we've added it to the report as the first column. We hope you don't get any returns but in the event that you do, you'll be way more prepared with the proper information to reach out.

    I've attached a screenshot below if you'd like a sneak peak, but make sure to log into MX Merchant and check it out for yourself.

  • Attach files
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