MX Merchant Ideas

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Customize decline messages on Recurring Billing or the option to not send declines

Customization of decline messages on recurring would cater to other business types, Non-profits for example.

  • Scott DerryberryQ
  • Dec 19 2016
  • Shipped
  • Feb 27, 2017

    Admin response

    We understand there are different use cases for your businesses and sometimes that means having the ability to customize what is automatically sent to your customers on your behalf.

    Decline notifications were one of those you asked for. If you don't want your customers to see these messages simply go to Settings, click on the Invoice tile, across the top select Recurring. Here you will see the first option available is for decline messages. It is defaulted to Yes, however, you can change that at any time to No and it will immediately stop sending them to your recurring customers. 

    Check out the image below for more information on where to find this new setting!

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    11 Dec, 2020 03:54pm

    Hiii guys...this website is awesome. the knowledge you share with us, I will always follow your blog and will share your blog with my friends. visit this website.

  • Guest commented
    27 Feb, 2017 07:28pm

    Ok, thanks for clarifying, I knew I had a few requests that were "merged", just wanted to make sure it was understood these were two separate requests.  Both are good improvements, thanks!

  • Allie Klarman commented
    27 Feb, 2017 07:25pm

    It looks like you have opened a different request for that, you can follow along with the progress of that request by clicking the following link:

  • Guest commented
    27 Feb, 2017 07:19pm

    Very good!  is there an option for the notifications for the merchant as well?  For instance, if a merchant does both retail and recurring, they dont need to know if a retail sale declined, but they would need to know if a recurring sale declined.