MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Need the Memo Field Data Generated in the Batch Details for MXM

There is a Memo Field for MXM when you process payments in quickpay which we can pull through the Payments Export feature.  However, when you pull the details in the Batches that are settled (Batches / Click on Batch Number for Details / Then Export) the memo field / memo data is not found.  


It would be nice if we could have the memo data in both places for book keeping purposes.  

  • Michael Hodges
  • Nov 27 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • board games commented
    13 Sep, 2022 03:34am

    By now, after reading your new replies and tinkering with the cookie clicker game by I feel I have a basic understanding of how it works. Looking forward to experiment more to see how I can make it all work.Thanks a bunch to all of you!