MX Merchant Ideas

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Update view within email receipt (customers mistaking for a scam)

Now that the receipt/invoice is sent to the cardholder via a link instead of the actual invoice image which it used to, most email programs will kill the link making the recipient only being able to view it by copying and pasting it into their browser. This looks a bit fishy to some cardholders so they never actually click or copy/paste to view it.
Please send receipts as an attachment as well as a hyperlink for customers. Some merchants are unable to follow our links due to different browser / email settings and attachments should solve this issue.

  • Allie Klarman
  • Dec 15 2016
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • deev shah commented
    16 Feb, 2023 08:26am


    If you're receiving feedback from customers that they are mistaking your email receipts for a scam, it may be worth updating the design or content of your receipt to make it clearer and more trustworthy. Here are a few tips that may help:

    Use a recognizable "From" email address: Use an email address that your customers will recognize and that is associated with your brand or company. This can help to build trust and ensure that your customers don't mistake the receipt for a scam.

    Personalize the email: Address the customer by name in the email and include details about the purchase, such as the item name and price, the order number, and the date of purchase. This can help to reassure the customer that the email is legitimate and not a scam.

    Include your branding: Use your company logo and brand colors in the email to make it clear that it is an official receipt from your company. This can also help to build brand recognition and trust.

    Avoid including too many links: Including too many links in the email can make it look like a scam. Only include the links that are necessary, such as a link to the order confirmation page or a link to customer support.

    Test and optimize: Test different designs and content to see what works best with your customers. Pay attention to feedback and make changes accordingly.

    By making these updates to your email receipt, you can help to build trust with your customers and reduce the risk of them mistaking your emails for scams.