MX Merchant Ideas

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Request to Make Link2pay Page a responsive mobile site

Merchants say link2pay page is not mobile friendly. 

  • Guest
  • Feb 6 2017
  • Won't Do
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    26 Mar, 2021 12:49pm

    While I've voted on this in the past, just want to let you know this just came up again yesterday.

    I now have an account I'm losing based on the simple fact Link2pay is not mobile responsive.

    Of all the reasons to lose a client....

  • Andrew Moran commented
    22 Sep, 2020 12:16am

    Just got a request from a client on this. Got the client from a web developer who referred them to me specifically pointing out their previous site was not mobile responsive.

  • Guest commented
    23 Mar, 2020 04:17pm

    I just got this request from a client. and saw that it was already submitted.

  • Ben Rousseau commented
    1 Nov, 2019 06:43pm

    I completely agree with the other comments here. We just began offering our clients this "modern" payment solution, then came to find out that they have to pinch and zoom in and out to be able to step through a simple form. A UI similar to Quick Pay would be a vast improvement. 

  • Nick Bencivenga commented
    20 May, 2019 12:09am

    This needs to happen, pretty embarassing to not have a mobile-friendly payment page right now. 

  • John Naghi commented
    20 Dec, 2018 10:14pm

    it's 2018! Link2Pay looks like a page from 1998! what is so hard? it's a little bit of CSS styling!

    Making it hard to get a payment from our customers is NOT a good business idea!