MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Display custom fields on email notification

Custom fields information does not appear on the MX email notification, even if they are set to required fields. For example, customer account # can be added as a custom field but does not appear on the email notification. Payment needs to be applied to this account # by the billing department. This makes this custom field option pointless since they have to now log in to the just to view the customer account #. So please add the custom fields to the MX email notifications.

  • Simarjit singh
  • Jan 5 2018
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Clyde Hill commented
    17 Nov, 2022 03:51am

    Yes, it will helpful to access. :) official website

  • Guest commented
    18 Apr, 2018 07:32pm

    Definitely a MUST HAVE!!

  • Guest commented
    18 Apr, 2018 07:17pm

    This tool would be most helpful!

  • Guest commented
    18 Apr, 2018 05:52pm

    This will save time and would be more efficient. Please add this to allow better customer service.

  • Guest commented
    18 Apr, 2018 05:31pm

    Please add this feature. We really need this to make our payment processing more efficient. If it was added, we only have to react to the email and process.

  • Guest commented
    18 Apr, 2018 05:27pm

    With the volume of payments that we are processing, this would be a great time saver for our team. 

  • Guest commented
    18 Apr, 2018 05:24pm

    Very important tool to have, the functionality would be a huge time saver and allow efficient processing.

  • Shawn Bittle commented
    18 Apr, 2018 05:16pm

    We really need this feature to make our payment processing more efficient. If it was added, we only have to react to the email and process. Currently, we need to go to MX to look up whose EFS acct the funds go to.