MX Merchant Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make MX Merchant even better! 


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Invoice email to cardholder not working right first time, so have to go back in to send to cardholder, duplicating email (and time to do this) to merchant

It appears to be a glitch, wasting time, not working as intended

  • Terri Hawkins
  • Mar 23 2017
  • Won't Do
  • Attach files
  • Terri Hawkins commented
    23 Mar, 2017 03:59pm

    I did just submit about 8 idea tickets today from our recent experiences using MXM6 compared to MXM4. Thanks for your help!

  • Terri Hawkins commented
    23 Mar, 2017 03:58pm

    Thank you for addressing this, Allie!

  • Allie Klarman commented
    23 Mar, 2017 03:26pm

    Thank you for your feedback! This looks to be an issue with the platform. I have moved this to our defect list so we can ensure this gets resolved quicker for you. We try to keep the ideas portal for new features so I am going to mark this as Won't Do but don't want you to be alarmed as it is just a label and we will get to the bottom of this for you. If you notice any other issues with the platform please reach out to our support team so they can gather additional information from you regarding your issue and get it submitted immediately. For future reference, the support team can be reached at 800-935-5961.